# usage: rundll32 vobsub.dll,Configure # # inputpath\vts_01_0.ifo (inputpath\vts_01_*.vob exist) # outputpath\onlythefiletitlehere (outputpath can be the same as the inputpath) # 0 .. en .. ALL: (can be mixed) # - 0-31: stream number # - en, hu, fr, ..: stream id # - ALL: everything # v1 c1 .. vN cN, ALL, BLIND: (don't mix groupped parameters!) # - vob/cell ids # - ALL: every vob/cell id # - BLIND: blind mode, it's like pushing the "wide button", # and MUST be used when indexing modified vob files! # CLOSE: # - the progress dialog will close itself after finishing (optional) # SHOW: # - shows config dialog when complete (optional) # # example: # --------- cut here and remove comment signs ------- # e:\video_ts\vts_01_0.ifo # c:\vts\example1 # 1 en 3 hu fr 9 # v1 c1 c2 c3 v4 v5 c4 v6 c8 v8 # SHOW # ----------------- cut here ends ------------------- # # another example: # --------- cut here and remove comment signs ------- # e:\video_ts\vts_01_0.ifo # c:\vts\example2 # ALL # ALL # CLOSE # ----------------- cut here ends ------------------- # # That's it! # # (Since this is a new functionality, use it at your on risk :-)